is essential for the survival of all living beings, so it deserves great
respect. In the old times of our civilization, in addition to its nourishing
and hedonistic roles, food was often treated as a sacred thing; a symbol
of an exchange of energies with the gods, and its worshiping had an important
role in society. That respect for food is slowly disappearing, giving
way to a consumption mentality. Good tasting and good looking food symbolizes
a healthy life and sane human organisms, so it follows that the endangerment
of food symbolizes an endangerment of humankind and its values as well.
the other hand, in the process of consumption or even just by keeping
it in inadequate conditions food degrades, changes its shape, color, flavor
and odor. It is transformed into its opposite; from a beautiful thing
into a pile of ugly, stinking, dirty garbage. It decomposes into simple
chemical elements and loses its divine, nourishing and hedonistic nature.
It is reduced into the same elements that all things in this world are
composed of, which shows the impermanent nature of food. Impermanence
affects everything on earth; living beings, humans and civilizations.
In Context", a series of digital prints, is about the endangered
position and impermanence of food, and thus, humankind. The artistic message
and effect is achieved by contrasting scenes of different kinds of food
with objects and situations from everyday life. The
prints in original are purposefully large (average dimensions are 180
x 60 cm) in order to clearly express this universal problem.
images on the left
and Pralines by
Bessling, Kreiszeitung, Syke, October 11, 2011
A Serbian artist,
Andrej Tisma, has shown pictures of enjoyment and transience at
two exhibitions, in the Villa Ichon and at the City Library of Bremen.
Firm stuffed peppers next to torn clothes, a platter of roast meat
in contrast with plastic garbage bags, pralines in close proximity
to crumbling mortar. These pairs of Andrej Tisma's photographs could
be viewed as a message about social inequality or they could be
understood in a general way as illustrations of the contrast between
light and shadow in human existence.
See more
And Critical Confrontations by Dr. Jürgen Weichardt,
Art critic, Bremen, September 2011
The digital
prints of Andrej Tisma "Food in Context" are the most
unusual juxtapositions and critical confrontations with the contemporary
civilization the kind of which we have not had a chance to see for
a long time...
Andrej Tisma does not pronounce his warnings in a prophetic style,
but with a serenity and calmness of a philosopher open to the world
and as an observer with a sharp vision: he warns, knowing what we
also know - that cakes are not intended to last forever, that even
concrete can crumble, that everything goes by. See
Aesthetics And Morality by Erwin Miedtke,
Deputy Director of the City Library of Bremen, September, 2011
The works of
Andrej Tisma "Food in Context" in their subject matter
and various paraphrases show the world and criticize consumerism
and transience with a demand: "Art must have consequences"!
In art, the world becomes transparent only if a work of art - so
to speak - consumes it and if it touches or even hurts both the
artist and us as observers. See