After work, before going to the station, I used to relax in some  Novi Sad cafe. Streets were sunny and full of young people walking or sitting. It was time after protest concerts, so streets were crowded with beautiful girls and boys relaxing before the night of horror. I usually went to our apartment to take some necessary things and clothes, because spring became hot, so I needed some summer clothes. Also I used that opportunity to go online and download my e-mail and update my "Personal" web site with reports on war. But many times I wasn't able to communicate trough Internet, in the days when electricity was cut, or my provider's optical cable was cut because of bombed bridges, or the links were occupied because too many people were online in those days. So sometimes I couldn't go online for several days and  in my email box there were up to more than 800 mailings, and I had to read quickly as more as possible, to reply to the most important ones. It happened in the same time I could hear air raid alarm sirens roaring in the streets and soon planes coming above my apartment. It was really tense.   

Bombs were falling also in day time when  
streets were crowded. This one exploded 
on the railway bridge 

As I said, sometimes I stayed in Novi Sad to take part in some anti-NATO cultural program. For example on May 19th I took part in the regular such program on the  bank of Danube that was entitled "Building of the fourth, spiritual bridge". I was invited as artist and cultural worker, and besides me several poets and musicians took part, also the Art Academy dean. I addressed to Novi Sad citizens thanking them for their courage to come to the open space by the river in the time of air raid alarm. I said this is just a perfect place to recognize the democracy and friendship of the Western countries toward our people: in my background laid the destroyed oil refinery and the railway and Varadin bridge, on my left, across the river the demolished Television building, in front of me the destroyed Liberty bridge. That shows how Westerners are concerned about our future. They want to destroy us.  

I also told them about my Internet activity, the images and articles I have put on Internet documenting the truth about NATO aggression. The world now knows the truth and more and more are with us, giving us support, sending words of compassion. I gave examples of friends from Canada, Spain, USA, England, Germany, Italy, Austria... who are supporting us not only in words, in their e-mail messages, but also organizing protest rallies in their countries, asking their governments to stop this crime. 

I heard recently, I said, that NATO already doesn't have enough missiles to throw on us and that they do not know what more civilian object and infrastructure to destroy. NATO is tired and we are persistent. Soon they will have to stop this senseless bombing. Be brave and strong and keep on till the end, I said.   

Citizens were thankful for that encouragement. It was really a pleasant sharing views and energy with my fellow townsmen in such a dramatic situation, and I felt that their strength is coming to me as a feedback. 

Despite bombing streets in downtown were always  
full of life 

Traces of terror - remains of two Novi Sad bridges and 
burning oil refinery  

Sad scene of destroyed Varadin bridge and the river bank where I addressed to my fellow townsmen 

Destroyed Novi Sad TV building and transmitter

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